Through the different contact sections of the WEB as well as through the registration to it, we collect personal information to be able to answer your requests and offer you information about the PANK products that you request as well as to remember your session data and product acquisition. So if you send us an information request message by email about PANK, we will use your email address and other information that you have provided to answer your request. In those cases in which we use your personal information to send you commercial information about PANK's services and products, we will inform you of the type of shipment in question and you can refuse to receive any more of this type of communication. Likewise, you hereby consent that your data be processed for the purposes detailed, including such actions the sending of electronic commercial communications for the set of products and services that we offer.
To send commercial information about our products, we use the MAILCHIMP platform, whose servers are located in the US, however, they fully comply with the RGPD insofar as they are within the framework of the Privacy Shield that they certify annually.
PANK understands the importance of protecting children's privacy, especially in an online environment. Therefore, our policy is not to collect or maintain information from anyone under the age of 13. To protect the privacy of USERS, the sending of any data regarding their ideology, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health, and sexual life is prohibited.
PANK recognizes its responsibility to protect the privacy of your personal information. If you have any questions or comments about our handling of your personal information, please contact us. You can also contact us to communicate any questions you may have in relation to compliance with our Privacy Policy.
The purposes for which the data of character that you provide us are destined is the management of the contacts or users of the web regarding the sending of information and commercial promotion of our products, as well as the administrative, accounting and commercial management of customers who have purchased products through our portal. In the case of sending us your “Curriculum Vitae”, the purpose will be to study the different “curriculum”, in the event that we are in a personnel selection process or we will proceed to eliminate them. Currently, there is no specific section to request CV. You expressly consent to your data being treated as stated, not being used for other uses.
The period of maintenance of your data, in the case of being a client who periodically purchases our products, will be 5 years from the last acquisition. In the case of Users who have provided us with their data at some point, it will be 5 years from the last communication.
As long as the consent is free and revocable, at any time you can communicate your desire to remove from our database, except for those cases in which a legislation requires us to maintain a minimum of time the information (fiscal , mercantile, etc). 

We inform you that you as the owner of the data will have at all times the right to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms set out in the data protection legislation. For these purposes, a written and signed request addressed to PANK at calle París 158, 08036, Barcelona, Spain, or by sending an e-mail to the following email address hello@pank.shop, with the following content:
If the request is made by the interested party, the identity of the applicant must be informed: Name and Surname of the interested party and photocopy of ID; Address for the purposes of notifications, date and signature of the applicant; Request in which the request is specified (access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability).
In the event that you exercise the rights of rectification or cancellation, you must indicate what data you refer to and the correction to be made, if applicable, provide supporting documents for the request you make.
If the request is made through a voluntary / legal representative, the Identity of the represented person must be informed: contribution of a copy of DNI or equivalent document; Representation conferred by the owner of the personal data; Address for the purposes of notifications, date and signature of the applicant; Request in which the request is specified (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition).
In the event that you exercise the rights of rectification or cancellation, you must indicate what data you refer to and the correction to be made, if applicable, provide supporting documents for the request you make.

We inform you that, in compliance with current legislation, your billing data will be transferred to the Spanish Tax Agency or to any public body that requires us to do so in writing, because we are in an inspection process or legally foreseen, as well as to those in charge of treatment carried out by the accounting and taxation services, or where appropriate, to the State Security Forces and Forces or to the Judges and Courts that require them, therefore, it is necessary to transfer personal data to third parties, excluding the international transfers. Likewise, you hereby expressly consent that the personal data that you provide us, including the situation of non-payment, be transferred to public bodies, collaborating companies and / or associates for the aforementioned purposes.

The person responsible for the file has adopted the legally required security measures in its facilities, systems in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, in order to guarantee the confidentiality, security, integrity and recovery of their data. Likewise, the person responsible for the treatment guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Data, although it will reveal to the competent public authorities the Personal Data and any other information that is in its possession or is accessible through its systems and is required in accordance with the legal provisions. and applicable regulations.
PANK uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these ends, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

The person responsible for the file ensures that the quality of the data that you provide us is maintained, ensuring that they are adequate, relevant and not excessive for the legitimate purpose of the treatment. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the veracity, accuracy, validity, authenticity, of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. PANK services are not intended for minors and PANK does not request or collect information related to minors.
In accordance with the provisions of Art. 17 of the Regulations developed by the LOPD, you may revoke your consent at any time. If you have provided us with your personal data through any means regarding services offered by the PANK Websites or you want to revoke the consent given, send us an email to the following email address hello@pank.shop, or by postal mail to calle París 158, 08036, Barcelona, ​​Spain
In the event that our data protection policy had to vary as a result of legislative changes or criteria emanating from the Data Protection Agency, it would be conveniently informed of any variation that is necessary to introduce to comply with the law.
PANK has technological and operational security policies and procedures to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or unintentional destruction. Our personnel who have access to the data have been trained to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

In accordance with the LSSICE, FERENT does not carry out spamming practices, so it does not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the USER.
However, said authorization may be revoked at any time by the USER by means of a written communication addressed to the registered office of PANK or to the email address that appears in the general information of this NOTICE.
At the same time, the USER who was, at the same time, a PANK client is informed that, in accordance with the LSSICE, their data may be used to send the aforementioned commercial emails electronically, without their prior consent, always that deal with products or services similar to those that were initially contracted. However, the USER / client may object at any time to the sending of said commercial emails through the same procedure indicated in the previous paragraph. 

1102 / 5000 Resultados de traducción PANK reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude users in any of the following cases. For breach of any of the General Conditions of Use established in this document. For breach of the laws, morality, and public order and in a special way, and by way of example, but not limited to, the use of the Web or our services is not allowed in a way that includes (i) material that infringes rights copyright not duly authorized, or that infringes any other Intellectual or Industrial Property right, (ii) offensive material or that violates public safety and national defense, (iii) material that advocates terrorism, racism, or other discriminatory conduct for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance, (iv) material that threatens youth and childhood, in particular of a pornographic type, especially that which attacks minors, (v) threatening, defamatory or violence-inciting materials.  
In accordance with the provisions of the LSSI, PANK will proceed to interrupt the service as soon as it has effective knowledge that any illegal activity is taking place or property or rights of third parties are damaged.
The exclusion of the user will not imply the resignation of PANK to carry out the corresponding legal actions or the corresponding compensation by law.

 Internet users who access this website can view the information contained therein and make private downloads or reproductions on their computer system, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local network. Notwithstanding what is contained in this NOTICE, the distribution, modification, assignment, public communication, reproductions or any other act of part or all of the information published in www.pank.shop is not allowed, without the prior authorization of PANK . All the information contained in www.pank.shop, its graphic design and the code in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script or Active X language, is protected by copyright or other intellectual property protection rights. These rights belong exclusively to PANK or its licensors.
The user must use the content and information collected in www.pank.shop, diligently, correctly and lawfully, and specifically, only for personal and non-commercial use, as long as the content or any mention is not deleted or modified of sources, copyright and other data identifying the rights of PANK or third parties, that is, respecting its original form. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication, of any kind, of the content of the information published on www.ferent.shop without the prior written authorization of PANK is prohibited. Authorization for reproduction can be requested at the email address hello@pank.shop. In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the existing content in www.ferent.shop has been entered in it in violation of copyright or other intellectual property protection rights, please inform PANK of said circumstance, sending notification to the email address hello@pank.shop, which includes, at least, the following points: a) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant. b) Data of the owner of copyright or other intellectual property protection rights that may have been infringed. c) Indication of the infringed content and location on the page www.pank.shop. d) Declaration that the introduction of the contents has been introduced without the express authorization of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights. Notwithstanding what is stated in the preceding paragraphs, PANK reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current regulations on advertising and copyright or other protective rights of intellectual property.

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